what is an infographic
Published on Nov 30, 2020 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

What is an Infographic?

Infographic is actually two words blended together, which are “information” and “graphic”. An infographic is defined as visualized information that is clear and quickly absorbable.

What is the Difference Between an Infographic and a Poster?

What is the difference between an infographic and a poster

Infographics are confused with posters from time to time. However, they differ in design and purpose.

Infographics consist of charts, images, and some text that explains the topic in a straightforward way. Contrarily, posters gather various types of information about a subject and tell it in an engaging aspect.

Posters address information in different categories using numbers or words to represent quantitative data. On the other hand, when creating infographics; symbols, marks or visual elements are used. While infographics also use text to describe the data, posters adapt iconic-type graphic components for visual design appeal. It usually takes 10 seconds to absorb the information of a poster. They are typically vertical in orientation and are supposed to be read from top to bottom. Infographics tend to be abstract visuals. They are not meant to be read, but to be studied, analyzed, and explored. Infographics help us to see the presented data in a new way and give us a new insight for problem solving and understanding.

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What’s an infographic example and when should we use them, you may ask? Let’s say we have a predetermined message to deliver and you have data to support it. Then, using a poster would be the best option. However, if you want the audience to interpret the message and have the data as the primary focus, an infographic would be the right choice.

How to Create


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Ingredients of an Infographic

Adding the right ingredients in the right proportion will increase the likelihood that your infographic will be absorbed and circulated. An infographic appeases the shortened attention span of consumers and should be easy to digest. The following ingredients will make your infographic stand out from the mass of information online:

1. A title that is both intriguing and descriptive.

2. Stats or numbers relevant to the title. Make sure your stats are recent and that you cite them if they are from an external source. The most important facts or information should be a central figure on your infographic.

3. Bold colors that are thematic of your message or your brand. If you are portraying exciting stats on pop culture, your colors should reflect this. If your stats are on something a little melancholy, use more somber colors.

4. Graphics that catch your eye. You are competing for attention in a digital space. Graphics should reflect your topic.

5. Negative Space. If an infographic has too much text that is competing with the visuals, the audience will be overwhelmed and miss important information.

6. A sequential story. Every infographic should have a beginning, middle, and end that provides context, the facts or data, a round-up of information.

7. Contrast. Pairing complementary colors in your headlines and graphics will make the information pop.

Why Should You Use an Infographic?

“Why are infographics important,” “what is the importance of infographics?'' are the most common searches for terms relating to infographics. For a long time, visualizations of data were controlled with a known rule: The denser the data, the more that data should have been streamlined for general audiences. That standard prompted oversimplified representations that zeroed in only on featuring a summarized point. Infographics are one productive method of combining the best text, pictures, and configuration to speak to complex information that recounts a story. So, besides presenting the results, an infographic contains the "story" of your information. If your target audience does not share the same language as you, translating it to that language might be worth it.

What are the Different Types of Infographics?

Out of 13 types of infographics. Here are the most important four:

Informational infographic
Informational Infographics:

This is the best infographic for clearly communicating a new or specialized concept, or to give an overview of a topic.

Timeline Infographics:

Timeline infographic

In case you'd like to visualize the history of something, highlight vital dates, or give an overview of events (that can be project timelines), Timeline Infographics is your infographic of choice. Since people tend to form a sense of time spatially, a visual like a Timeline Infographic can offer assistance to make a clearer picture of a time period. Here are the best practices for Timeline Infographic design:

  • Use a central line to connect the different points in time.
  • Use bold, contrasting font to highlight the year or name of each event.
  • Illustrate each point in time with a simple icon.
  • When necessary, provide a brief description for each point in time.

Infographic Resume (or Resume Infographics):

resume infographics

Job seekers need to find creative ways to set themselves apart from other applicants because the current job market is so saturated. Resume Infographics will not be able to entirely replace a traditional resume in most cases. However, they’re great visual documents to bring to an interview, to publish on your website, or to include in an email application.

Comparison Infographics:

comparison infographics

We are faced with choices every day. If you need to compare alternatives in a fair-minded way or make one option seem better, Comparison Infographics are your best bet. Typically, a comparison infographic is split down the middle vertically or horizontally, with one option on each side.

Steps to Creating an Infographic

Are you wondering how to create an infographic for yourself or your workplace? Actually, the steps to creating an infographic are simple:

creating infographics

Interesting Facts About Infographics

Remember that sound bite you heard on the radio this morning? The shopping list that your roommate asked you. Most probably, you will not remember them. It has been shown in numerous research that our memory is better at remembering things that we see or touch than things that we hear.

Today’s communication is based on visuals rather than text or auditory. Infographic statistics and show that 93% of communication is non-verbal, and 83% of learning is done via visual instruments. Since we tend to learn visually, content creators use infographics and other visual tools more than ever on social media. For instance, visual posts are 600 times more interesting than regular text messages. Remember the famous saying, "a picture worth one thousand words." According to Google, the search for infographics on their system has increased almost 800% between 2011 and 2013. These infographic statistics show us the significance of using infographics. Along with the importance of using infographics, the effect of an infographic is increased, and the message of its content is well understood when it is translated into the language of the target audience.

What is the Importance of Infographic Localization?

Localization is a process in which a text or any kind of work is translated from its source language to another by taking account of the target language’s culture, customs, and traditions. When adapted properly, it makes the product connect with customers in a language and format that feels native to them. Besides translating written content, localization has also so much to do with;

  • Choosing the best-fitting graphics for the target market
  • Adapting the content to the target language based on its unique taste
  • Modifying layout design to create a relevant infographic
  • Displaying the correct currency and units of measure
  • Using TL (target language) formats for addresses, landline numbers, and dates
  • Complying with legal requirements and local regulations

At MotaWord, we regularly publish marketing content such as blog articles and infographics and distribute them to a wide range of audiences.

We strive to shape your work in the target language and provide it with related charts, statistics, pictures, and layouts within infographics.

Take your text a step further. We’ll localize your inquiry and customize it with the best infographics possible! Click here to get an instant quote!

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Published on Nov 30, 2020

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